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Social Reports


At the 67th Session of the United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), Dr. Pablo Kurlander (Brazil, WFTC Report Coordinator); Phaedon Kaloterakis (Greece, WFTC Director) and Edward Carlson (USA, WFTC 2nd Vice President) shared the findings of the 2nd edition of the WFTC World Social Report, a joint effort of 301 organizations from 40 countries and 6 regions across the globe, which sought to highlight the monumental effort that TCs around the world make on a daily basis in pursuit of a better world for those who suffer, directly or indirectly, with drug use. This report describes the 300,000 people served in TCs, and nearly 1.5 million people reached, totaling more than 1,700,000 people served and reached by WFTC TCs worldwide. 


English presentation:

World Social Report

No. 2 2023


No. 1 2022




Declaration of Mallorca

Mallorca, December 3rd, 2016 – 5th WFTC INSTITUTE: Essence and Innovation


Declaration of Genova

Statement by the Participants at the WFTC Genoa Institute, October 18, 2010


The SELF Journal, Volume XXVIII, No. 1

Infante, Martin (2020) Self Enhancement for Life Foundation, Inc.

De la Complejidad del Uso de Drogas

Arocena, Alfonso (2018) De La Complejidad del Uso de Drogas

Integration: Too Much of a Bad Thing

Yates, R., Burns, J. and McCabe, L. (2017) Integration: too much of a bad thing. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recover, 12(2/3), pp. 196-206.

Empowerment at Dianova's Therapeutic Communities

Dianova Italia (2017) Empowerment at Dianova’s Therapeutic Communities

Recovery Capital, Addiction Theory and the Development of Recovery Communities

Yates, R. (2015) Recovery capital, addiction theory and the development of recovery communities. Addicta, 1(2), pp. 96- 112.

Therapeutic Communities: Can Do Thinking for Must Have Recovery

Yates, R. (2011) Therapeutic communities: can do thinking for must have recovery, Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 6(1/2), pp. 101-116.

Integrating Vocational Services within Therapeutic Community Treatment

Taylor, Sushma D. (2008) Integrating Vocational Services within Therapeutic Community Treatment, TCA Papers, Therapeutic Communities, 29, 1, spring 2008, pp. 76-82.



TCs Past, Present, and Future

Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), in partnership with the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC), recently convened a webinar on the Effectiveness of Treatment Communities (TCs) to Address Substance Use and Recovery Challenges in Africa. The webinar, which drew 99 participants from across the African continent and featured guest presenter Edward Carlson, Chief Executive Officer of Odyssey House Louisiana in the United States and WFTC 2nd Vice President. Carlson detailed the history and development of TCs over time, along with the core principles of creating and sustaining an effective TC program.

2nd edition of the WFTC World Social Report Findings

At the 67th Session of the United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), Dr. Pablo Kurlander (Brazil, WFTC Report Coordinator); Phaedon Kaloterakis (Greece, WFTC Director) and Edward Carlson (USA, WFTC 2nd Vice President) shared the findings of the 2nd edition of the WFTC World Social Report, a joint effort of 301 organizations from 40 countries and 6 regions across the globe, which sought to highlight the monumental effort that TCs around the world make on a daily basis in pursuit of a better world for those who suffer, directly or indirectly, with drug use. This report describes the 300,000 people served in TCs, and nearly 1.5 million people reached, totaling more than 1,700,000 people served and reached by WFTC TCs worldwide.

27th WFTC World Conference

Various (2018) Presentations delivered by practitioners at the 27th WFTC World Conference in Bangkok

Opening Comments from the WFTC Presient, Dr. Sushma D Taylor

Taylor, Sushma (2018) Opening Speech, 27th World Federation of Therapeutic Communities Conference Bangkok, Thailand

ICF: UN Set Di Strumenti per Progettare e Valutare la Riabilitazione

Dianova Italia (2018) Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento, della Disabilità e della Salute: Un set di Strumenti per Progettare e Valutare la Riabilitazione.

How to Introduce Gender Approach as a Quality Standard in Drug Addiction Treatment

Hansen, G. (2017) How to introduce gender approach as a quality standard in drug addiction treatment, presented at EWODOR 2017.

Building a Recovery Community Out of the Evidential Base

Yates, R. (2017) Building a recovery community out of the evidential base, Yessilay and Turkish Govt. Health Department Top Level Briefing, February 9-10, 2017, Istanbul. Istanbul: Yessilay/Turkish Govt./McKinsey Partners.

Empowerment Nelle Comunità Terapeutiche Dianova

Pastoris, Indira and Pozzoli, Michela B., Dianova Italia (2018) Empowerment Nelle Comunità Terapeutiche Dianova.

Books & Journals


EXIT: Expert Journal

Dianova Portugal, EXIT, Theme: Mental Healthcare: Benefits of Addiction Treatment for Individuals, Communities and Governments, Year 12, Ed. 31, 2018, Lisbon.

Infonova Ed. 31 (Tema: Familias): Revista Profesional y Academica Sobre Adicciones

Asociación Dianova España. Primer semestre 2017 / revista nº 31, Madrid.

Infonova Ed. 30 (Topic: Prevention): Professional and Academic Journal on Addictions

Asociación Dianova España. Según semestre 2016 / revista nº 30, Madrid.

Therapeutic Communities for Treating Addictions in Europe: Evidence, Current Practices and Future Challenges

Vanderplasschen, W., Vandevelde, S. and Broekaert, E. (2014) Therapeutic communities for treating addictions in Europe: Evidence, current practices and future challenges, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Lisbon.


Theory and Practice Manual for Staff and Community Members of Phoenix Futures TC-Based Services

Yates, R. (2017) Yates, R. (2011) The Manual. Theory and practice manual prepared for Phoenix Futures UK, London (copyright held by Phoenix Futures).​

L'alleanza Terapeutica Nella Comunità di Dianova

Dianova Italia (2017), L’alleanza terapeutica nella comunità di Dianova.



Informe Mundial Sobre Las Drogas, 2015, Oficina de las Naciones Unidas Contra la Droga y el Delito

United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971

United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961

Internationa Documents

World Federation of Therapeutic Communities 

135 Paul Drive

San Rafael, CA 94903

© 2023 by World Federation of Therapeutic Communities.

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